Bank Account Opening Mauritius Bank Account Opening

Business (Individuals & Companies)

Corporate Vision assists your business with bank account opening (individual or company) with any bank of your choice in Mauritius. 

Each bank has different types of bank accounts, eligibility criteria and client onboarding processes.

We get in contact with the bank of your choice to see if their banking services are suited for your business needs.

We do not just merely introduce you to the bank. For instance, we prepare your business plan, the bank account opening resolution and fill the bank account opening forms. Subsequently, we answer all the queries that the bank may raise during the processing of the application.

Additionally, we can assist you with your request for internet banking, cheque books, debit and credit cards, loan and overdraft facilities.

Non-resident individuals

Corporate Vision assists you in opening a bank account in Mauritius. Mauritian banks offer international banking facilities: from transactional banking and foreign currency exchange to brokerage accounts and wealth management services.

In addition, banks in Mauritius offer card-based payment services, such as credit and debit cards, internet banking, and trade finance facilities.

Mauritius uses both the IBAN and the SWIFT systems – a convenient way for individuals to transact internationally.

Do you need to open a bank account in Mauritius? Contact us for a free, no obligation quote.

Corporate Vision
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